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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Reading #3 Questions

Using BOTH letters by Hamilton and Jefferson, answer the questions below:

1.  When were these letters written?

2.  Why are both Hamilton and Jefferson writing to George Washington?

3. Based on both of these letters, what seems to have been happening in George Washington’s administration? How can you tell?

4.  Which letter is angrier? Find a quote to support your claim:

5. Write one adjective about each man’s personality and find a quote to support your claim.

  • In this letter, Hamilton seems to be __________. I’m basing this claim on the following quote: 
  • In this letter, Jefferson seems to be __________. I’m basing this claim on the following quote:

6.  Who do you believe “started” the fight?

7. Based on what they wrote, whom do you trust more: Hamilton or Jefferson? Why?

Reading #3 Sources: Hamilton V Jefferson

Hamilton v Jefferson by buddylembeck on Scribd

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chapter 12 Notes

Reading #2 Questions

1. Research the issue(s) that led to the tragic duel.  Which of the disagreements contributed most to the events leading up to the duel?

2. Under what circumstances, referred to as "affairs of honor," would gentlemen consider dueling?

3. Rumors abounded that Hamilton aimed high and off the mark and that Burr aimed to kill.  Do you believe this to be true?  Why or why not?

Reading #2 Hamilton Duel

Monday, March 6, 2017

Update for 3-6-17 through 3-9-17

Monday 3-6-17: Finish chapter 10

Tuesday 3-7-17: Study guide

Wednesday 3-8-17: Study Guide review; Jeopardy review

Thursday 3-9-17: Chapter 10 Test; all in-class assignments due

**No written response for chapter 10

Ch 10 Notes