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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Reading #1: Questions

  1. What was Hamilton’s position on representation? 
  2. What was Smith’s position?
  3. What arguments did they make in support of their claims? 
  4. Based on these arguments, what type of people would you guess tended to be Federalists? Anti-Federalists? 
  5. If you could have chosen, what side would you have supported? 
  6. Do you see versions of these issues being debated today?

Reading #1 Sources: Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Fed and Anti-Fed by buddylembeck on Scribd

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Update for 1-18-17 through 1-20-17

Wednesday 1-18-17: Finish notes; study guide

Thursday 1-19-17: Review Study Guide; Jeopardy Review

Friday 1-20-17: Chapter 8 Test (all in-class stuff due)

**No written Response or homework for chapter 8

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Reading #2 Question: Part 1 regarding Jefferson's Grievance

1. How does the Slavery Grievance describe slavery? Who does Jefferson blame for the continuation of the slave trade?

2. Why does Jefferson italicize the word ‘Christian’ at the end of the first paragraph?

3. Why do you think that Thomas Jefferson wrote a paragraph about slavery when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

**After you're done answering these questions, fill out the graphic organizer (found at the bottom of the sources) when reading the next batch of sources.

If you finish early, do a little more research on Rutledge, Ellsworth, Williamson, Franklin, and Jefferson regarding their views on slavery.

Reading #2 Sources: Slavery in the Constitution

Slavery in Const. Docs (SHEG) by buddylembeck on Scribd

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Reading #1 Questions: Shays' Rebellion

After reading the excerpt from the text book:

1. What happened in Shay’s rebellion?
2. How is it connected to the Articles of Confederation?
3. According to the textbook, how did Americans respond?

After reading the letter from Jefferson:

1. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence (think about the Preamble). Do you think he wanted to see America form a strong central government? Why or why not?

2. According to Jefferson, have the colonies been peaceful or chaotic?  Support your answer with evidence from the document.

3. Jefferson thinks the people at the Constitutional Convention are overreacting to Shays’ Rebellion. What does he worry they might do as they write the new Constitution? (Note: this answer is not in the document; you need to think).

4. What does Jefferson mean when he says, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?”

5. How does this document challenge or expand the information you read in the textbook?

Reading #1 Sources: Shays' Rebellion

Shays’ Rebellion Textbook Excerpt: The American Vision

Chapter 8 Vocab

Chapter 8 Vocab
1.       Article(s)- Specific law
2.       Confederation- When things are united
3.       Tax(es)- When you give the government money
4.       Rebellion- Going against the government (usually involves violence)
5.       Convention- Big political meeting
6.       Arsenal- Where the government stores its weapons
7.       Ordinance- A law
8.       Territory- A piece of land owned by the government that is not yet a state
9.       Constitution- The rules of the government
10.   Government- The leaders of a nation that make the laws
11.   Representation- One someone speaks for you (or on your behalf)
12.   Congress- The group in government that makes the laws
13.   House (of congress)- A group
14.   Judicial- Judges and courts
15.   Legislative (legislate)- Deals with making laws
16.   Executive- The president
17.   Republic- A government of laws; when you elect representatives to govern for you
18.   Democracy- Having a voice or say in government by voting
19.   Ratify- To formally or officially approve